
Sou brasileira, nascida em São Paulo, morando desde 2010 na Alemanha - atualmente em Düsseldorf e amo!
Originalmente sou formada em Engenharia - e até trabalhei na área - optei por mudar de área após a chegada dos meus filhos.

Sempre consumi no mundo fitness praticando alguma atividade física, danças diversas e pratico Yôga desde 2008 regularmente. É a paixão pelo movimento, a paixão por esse mundo fitness com foco bem-estar e saúde que me atraiu para chegar até aqui. Mais alinhada com meu propósito de vida, me especializei - sigo estudando sempre - e atuo nessa área profissionalmente desde 2017.

Comecei com a formação em SwáSthya Yôga, seguida do Pilates e a imersão total no mundo fitness de personal training. Como personal trainer, e até mais alinhada com a proposta de saúde e qualidade de vida do pilates & Yôga, me especializei em atender necessidades especiais, senior fitness e fitness recovery (foco em recuperação).

Visando abordar o corpo como um todo - físico, mental e espiritual - fiz cursos diversos de aromaterapia, sou certificada em AromaTouch Technique (técnica de massagem sutil com óleos essenciais), Thetahealing® & Barras de Access e além de Reiki.

Minha proposta como Personal Balance é atender você de acordo com as suas necessidades, limitações e objetivos, visando tanto o corpo físico como o sutil, de maneira totalmente personalizada e que caiba na sua rotina.

Não vejo a hora de te conhecer! Me escreva!

About me

I'm Brazilian, was born in São Paulo, living in Germany since 2010 - currently in Düsseldorf and I love it!
I originally graduated in Engineering - and even worked in the area - but I opted for a career switch after the arrival of my 2 children.

I've always been in the fitness world practicing some physical activity, different dances and I've been practicing yoga since 2008 regularly. It's the passion for movement, the passion for fitness focused on well-being and health that got me here. Much more aligned with my life purpose, I've studied a lot (and keep doing it!) and have been working in this area professionally since 2017.

I started with SwáSthya Yoga course, followed by Pilates and total immersion in general fitness, becoming a certified personal trainer. As a PT, and even more aligned with health and quality of life, I specialized in meeting special needs, senior fitness and fitness recovery.

Aiming to approach the body as a whole - physical, mental and spiritual - I have taken several aromatherapy courses, certification in AromaTouch® Technique (subtle massage technique with essential oils), Thetahealing® & Access Bars and in addition to Reiki.

My goal as Personal Balance is to serve each one of you according to your needs, limits and goals both in the physical, but also the subtle body, in a fully customised service that fits into your routine.

I am very much looking forward to meeting you!

O que dizem meus clientes

what my clients say...

“I started working with Cami almost 2 years ago. Yoga has been a great addition to my strength training and running . The breath work has been a huge help in my everyday life. I’m grateful for the guidance during the practice that Cami provides. Her expertise and encouragement has been key to my growth in not only my physical health but mental as well. “

Cas. P.

The instructor, Camila, exudes a passion for Pilates that is contagious. Her expertise and guidance throughout the class were evident as she led us through a series of exercises that focused on core strength, flexibility, and overall body awareness. Her clear instructions and attention to proper form ensured that everyone, regardless of their fitness level, could participate and benefit.
Whether you’re a Pilates enthusiast or someone looking to explore a new fitness routine, I wholeheartedly recommend giving this class a try.

Shirley N.

Após experimentar diferentes métodos de Yôga posso dizer que o Swásthya é um dos mais interessantes e o mais completo, já que abrange mantras, meditação, pranayamas, mudras, asanas e nidras, tudo em cada sessão de treino.
Ser instruída pela Camila completa a experiência pois além de ser uma profissional competente, é apaixonada pela prática e a transmite com toda sua alma e coração.
Os efeitos benéficos para a saúde física e mental são inúmeros e evidentes, entre eles melhora da flexibilidade, postura, força e resistência além de aumento e intensificação da concentração, presença e paz de espírito. Eu só posso recomendá-la à todos!

Patricia C.

I had found myself struggling with back pain & stiffness so needed to sort the problems out. Was pleased to find that Cami offers classes on Tuesday evenings in such a convenient location. Cami has made me feel totally at ease, explaining every exercise & move expertly. I now feel that my core strength has improved along with balance & posture. I would thoroughly recommend Cami’s classes 100%.

Sarah B.

I started my SwáSthya Yoga journey with Camila and I must say I was impressed how fast I got to fall in love with this practice! Camila is very knowledgeable and caring about each of her students needs and limitations. Every morning I practice SwáSthya Yoga in her groups, I feel energized and more connected to my inner self

Simone R.

I have been attending Camila‘s Pilates classes for about a year.
I have thoroughly enjoyed her attention to detail, inspirational ideas for routines, and her ability to adapt to my needs in  a fun and creative way.
Camilla is approachable, friendly and professional. She’s is a true enthusiast who has a holistic approach to well-being. She is knowledgeable, observant and able to modify positions to suit individual needs in the small group.
I highly recommend Camila’s Pilates classes!

Ana T.

I fell in love with Cami’s pilates class! She has a warm yet strong way of communicating, and there was never a class that I didn’t laugh or smile in.  Cami combines a strength building workout in a calm and motivating way.  She is great at helping me adjust how I do the pilates workout to improve my form and increase the effectiveness of hte moves I learn.  I like that she keeps her classes small and personal.  I always left Cam’s class with a smile!

Nancy M.

Camila’s strength as a Pilates instructor are:

  • she is extremely attentive to your form!
  • despite her years of experience, she keeps on learning;
  • she listens to you;
  • she pushes boundaries with care.
  • She is also very creative to deliver the best outcome to her clients.
  • She is fun and caring which are qualities you need to keep yourself engaged and motivated.

I highly recommend her as a personal Pilates instructor!


Deixe seu contato, saiba em primeira mão - incluindo promoções

Let's get in touch! Know everything first - including promos

Não vou encher sua caixa de mensagens, pode ficar em paz. Mas gostaria muito de te informar sobre o que está acontecendo, informações sobre grupos abrindo/fechando, promoções/vantagens. Os emails são bem esporádicos!

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I won't fill up your inbox, don't worry! But I would really like to inform you about what is happening, information about groups opening/closing, promotions/advantages. The emails are very sporadic!